Big Sur Marathon Training: Weeks 3, 4, and 5

Marathon training has been going pretty well so far!  I feel like I’m handling the milage and my plan much better than I did last fall, and it’s probably a mindset switch.  My focus is on consistency and I’m trying hard not to psych myself out too much over hard workouts.  I’ve been so wrapped up in it I have been forgetting to blog about it – so this will be catch up.


Week Three (17.44 miles):

This was a bit of a garbage week.  Tuesday & Wednesday were both dumpster fire days (Wednesday in particular lol) and I mentally struggled in the aftermath.  My heart-rate sky-rocketed on my runs Thursday and Friday (likely due to a poor sleep schedule and work-related stress).  Overall it was a pretty rough time for my confidence at a time my only real goal was to be consistent.  By the weekend things were looking up – I went to the kickoff with my new running club, Arete!

Monday 2/5 – 3 miles

3 mile shakeout run around Lake Merritt after work to kick off the week.  Nothing too fancy.  As an aside, I thought I had pink eye for the last 3 days and therefore have been running around partially blind (not into sweaty glasses life).  I finally went to a doctor this day.  She told me that it’s not pink eye and that it’s probably an allergy.  So that’s fun.  I’m holding out hope for my eyes to calm down enough for me to try contacts by the end of the week.  8:57 average pace.

Tuesday 2/6 – Rest day

I had a rough day at work – so afterwards Chris and I went to see “Call Me By Your Name” in theaters.  I loved the movie – I always try to see the Oscar-nominated films, this year I actually finished seeing all of them!

Wednesday 2/7 – Hot Power Yoga + Upper Body Lift

If I thought Tuesday was a bad day… the first 2 hours of Wednesday really took the cake.  I sometimes feel silly for not being able to really recover from a rough morning… but I’m just not that person.  My co-worker took me to the gym at work and taught me how to do gym things for my upper body and that helped.  After work I went to my yoga class at Ume as planned.  Brittney always puts me in a good mood, I love her fun and funky classes.


Thursday 2/8 – 6 miles

I originally wanted this to be my long run but my heart rate shot through the roof and I couldn’t get it to come down even when walking.  I called it at 6 b/c everything felt wrong and I think I was still stressed about the previous day’s events.  9:11 average pace.

Friday 2/9 – 5.34 miles

I went into this run with no expectations.  I wanted to run a big ass hill and run hills I did :-). I felt strong with my 9:49 average pace.

Saturday 2/10 – 3.08 miles

This was the Arete fun run!  I’m so glad I decided to join this team.  Everyone was so welcoming.  The fun run was just that, fun.  Exactly what I needed after the rocky week I was having.

Sunday 2/11 – Hiking 4.77 miles

I wrapped up my week with 4.77 miles hiking around Lake Sonoma with my boyfriend.  I chose not to push myself into my long run.  This weekend was a much-needed reset for me and I was ready to tackle week 4.


Week Four (37.42 miles):

Monday 2/12 – 6.2 miles

After work I set out to log some easy miles and try and get my mojo back.  I listened to 1984 and ran laps around Lake Merritt.  I felt strong and confident.  9:14 average.

Tuesday 2/13 – Upper Body Lift + 3 miles

One of my goals for this cycle is to incorporate some kind of strength work into my routine.  Luckily my work wife, Chloe, loves the gym and is interested in taking up running.  So we help one another out.  We focused on our triceps back for an hour long session.  After work I took Squidward for a spin around the lake.  He loves going for runs and walks with me so when I have shorter runs on my plan I like to bring him along.

Wednesday 2/14 – 5.58 miles (speed work)

I met up with Teresa at 6 today to do some speed work.  We had different workouts and both wanted to finish quickly so we could get home to celebrate Valentine’s Day, but it was really nice to have a friend at the track.  Workout was 1.5 up, 0.5 down, 2x(600m, 800m, 1000m) with 100 jogging rest between the 600 and 800, and a 400m jog after the 1000.  I’m really proud of my effort for these but I accidentally went WAY too hard on the first 1000 and it kind of killed me for the rest of the workout lol.  Times were (6:51 avg, 6:56 avg, 6:21 avg, 7:04 avg, 7:24 avg, 7:28 avg).

Thursday 2/15 – Abs workout + Power Hour Yoga Flow

Today Chloe and I set out to set our core on fire during our lunch hour.  She made me hold planks for 2 minutes and I low key died.  After work I went to Ume for an hour of Yoga and my legs felt much fresher and ready to log more miles after.

Friday 2/16 – 6 miles

These miles felt effortless.  I love my time around the lake and live for runs like this.  8:44 average pace.

Saturday 2/17 – 3.14 miles

I started my long run and knew it just wasn’t going to happen for me.  I stopped and drank water and walked home feeling defeated.  This is what I get for running hungover.

Sunday 2/18 – 13.5 miles

Long run redemption!  I met Teresa and Blair early in the morning for ~8 miles around Oakland before Kaila picked me up to run her first 10K with her.  I paced her for the 6.2 miles and am SO proud of her for finishing strong.  Her longest run going into this was 3.8 miles and she killed it!


Week Five (34 miles):

Monday 2/19 – Hiking 3.55 miles

Holiday long weekend today!  Chris and I took Squidward hiking and enjoyed starting our day nice and early.  This was a really relaxing and lovely day.  Loved the extra quality time with my buds.

Tuesday 2/20 – Rest day

I had brutal migraines throughout the day and when I got home.  I took an unplanned rest day to lie on my couch with a towel on my eyes.

Wednesday 2/21 – 5 miles + Power Hour Yoga Flow

Chloe and I went for a run together on our lunch hour and we ran 5 miles at a 9:47 pace.  This was her longest run ever and I’m proud of her for the effort.  I guess my thing really is turning my friends into runners.  After work I went to Brittney’s class at Ume Yoga.  We did a lot of fun balances and I got into my bird of paradise a few times.

Thursday 2/22 – 8.18 miles (speed work) + Upper Body Lift

Chloe and I did an hour of shoulder work in the gym.  I can tell I’m getting stronger but that does not make getting this done easy lol.  After work I talked Chris into coming to the track with me to help me keep track of the intervals I was supposed to run (and to provide emotional support b/c I was honestly nervous about this workout).  Workout was 1.5 up, 1200m (7:00 pace), 2400m (7:23 pace), 800m (7:06 pace), 1600m (7:12 pace) with 400m jog between each interval.  Then 3x (300 on, 100 off) where I hit 6:54 average for the first 2 and 6:24 for the last one.  1.36 down to close out what was probably the most successful speed workout I’ve ever had.

Friday 2/23 – 4.6 miles

4.6 miles around the lake as the sun set.  My legs felt heavy but I still got in the hill I live on.  I really need to be working more hills into my training.  10:15 average.

Saturday 2/24 – 12.2 miles

I rolled out of bed and out to log some miles bright and early this Saturday.  My first 3 miles it was in the 30s and it crept up to 49 by mile 4 so I ran home to shed some layers.  I went back out and enjoyed listening to Tiffany Haddish’s memoir as I cruised around Oakland and Berkeley.  I pushed for the last 3 miles to hit them at around a 9 min pace and finished my run at my favorite vegan coffee shop.  9:53 average for the whole run.

Sunday 2/25 – 4 miles

I spent pretty much my entire Sunday sitting on my computer trying to debug an issue my boss asked me to Demo at 8:30 in the morning on Monday.  When I figured it out I was overjoyed and went out for a little run to shake out my legs and enjoy some time outside in the beautiful weather.


The next phase is when my long runs are going to start getting properly long.  This excites me and makes me feel very nervous.  I’m feeling way stronger this cycle – I keep reminding myself that I have done this before and I can do it again.

Big Sur Marathon Training: Week 2 (32 miles)

Going into week two my biggest goal was to make time for stretching and yoga to better equip my body take on higher mileage.  I’m asking my body to do a lot for me, and it’s only right that I take care of it.  I had a few setbacks, namely I was bad about hydrating and getting enough sleep, but overall I’m proud with how my second week of training went down.

Monday – 5.68 miles + 1 hour Yin Yoga Nidra

I started this week feeling super sore so I signed up for a slow-moving restorative evening yoga class.  I hemmed and hawed about whether or not to go for my run all day.  In the end I decided to go for it.  I was an achy mess but I kept my running form together I am stronger for it.  5.68 miles at 9:22 avg.  After work, I slowly stretched out my hips at my favorite, Ume Yoga.  Successful double workout day.

Tuesday – 3.2 miles easy

I woke up super early this morning to meet a friend for some miles around Lake Merritt.  This run wasn’t anything special but I loved the chance to catch up with a good friend.  We hadn’t had a chance to chat since before the holidays so this was lovely.  I also love that we made time for this run in the morning 🙂 3.2 at 10:09 avg.

Wednesday – Power Hour Yoga Flow

This was an awesome day.  Chris and I woke up at 4:30 to go see the Super Blue Blood Moon b/c moon vibes are good vibes.  Also randomly this was the second time we have watched a lunar eclipse together so apparently it’s one of our things.  I continued having a high-vibe day by taking yoga after work.  Brittney’s 7pm class at Ume Yoga is my favorite.  I try to go every week.  This was my first time making it back since before I went to India and I was beyond pumped to flow with her.  She and I had a great chat after class about the moon and I was really feeling the lunar power all day (I am a hippie).

Thursday – 4.46 miles (speed workout)

I worked from home this day so I decided to get my speed workout in over lunchtime.  My plan was to do 4 mile repeats, with 1:30 rest between each.  I did 2 and called it.  I had been up until 3 am playing computer games (very mature, I know), it was hot, and my heart-rate was ridiculously high.  I ended with 4.46 miles at 8:48 avg – better than not having run at all!

Friday – 4.1 miles

Friday was a bit of a redemption run for me.  I didn’t want to put any pressure on myself, just run with my heart rate and make it to the airport to pick up my brother.  I learned 2 things: 1) You probably should not try to run to an airport; they are not the most pedestrian friendly. 2) I run way way better when I have enough sleep and when I don’t put pressure on myself.  4.1 miles at 8:41 avg and my heart rate stayed primarily in zone 3.


Saturday – 3 miles easy

So originally I thought this was going to be a long run day.  But… I had a few too many drinks at happy hour and felt like absolute poop Saturday morning.  We are also experiencing a heat wave in the Bay Area so I decided to postpone my long run and opt for some easy miles around the lake.  It was a beautiful day and I’m happy I moved my body when I otherwise wasn’t feeling great.

Sunday – 12 miles

After spending hours drinking liters of water Saturday night, I felt ready to take on my long run this morning.  I rolled out my legs while drinking some coffee and a fig bar then headed out to the lake.  I felt pretty good for the first 3 miles.  Then I had to interrupt my run for an emergency trip to the bathroom (lol).  After that was taken care of, I clicked back into a rhythm.  I listened to the Rolling Stones, watched the sunrise, and was grateful for such a beautiful start to my Sunday.


I ended week two feeling happy with how my body had handled the higher mileage.  I was a little nervous b/c I had taken a whole week completely off running before starting my training plan due to illness and jet lag.  However I’m starting to relax into my routine and enjoy myself.  I made more time for yoga this week, and it made a huge difference in how I was feeling physically.  Ready for more miles in week three!

Week two = 32 miles