Running in India

I recently returned from a 2.5 week trip to India and one of my goals for the trip was to find a way to fit my running into my touring schedule.  However as a foreign woman who would be running alone I was a little concerned about my safety.  I think I had read a few too many scary stories about Delhi before leaving because I ran throughout my whole trip with no major incidents (barring a terrifying encounter with some stray dogs).

I’m a bit of a planner so I scoured the internet trying to learn information about the running community in India (if it exists).  I found the Mumbai Runners Instagram and a few other Indian runners in Bengalaru, but relatively little information pertinent to my concerns and interests.

So here are my tips:

  1. Research running routes before you go!  Strava has a super nifty tool that allows you to search for running segments.  I plugged in my hotel address for each place I was going and then started perusing the map for frequently run segments.  I knew ahead of time that I was not going to be able to find somewhere to run outside in some places b/c of the inaccessibility of public parks (Jaipur, Ranthambore).  But other places I knew I was going to be able to have a great run.  Sunrise at Fatesh Sager in Udaipur was absolute magic.  My long run along Marine Drive in Mumbai is one of my favorite memories of my trip.  Planning ahead you can find some really special places to run.  I felt safe knowing that hundreds of other Strava runners had used the same routes I was taking. 

  2. Dress conservatively.  India is a very conservative country, particularly in the north.  The general rule of thumb is that you should have your shoulders and knees covered when walking around.  For the most part I stuck to this when running, opting for leggings and short-sleeved shirts.  You can get away with more in Mumbai than Delhi, and in Goa pretty much anything goes (I ran in a sports bra and felt perfectly comfortable). 

  3. People are going to stare at you.  This is true of your entire time in India, not just the time you spend running.  As a foreigner you stand out; it’s very common to be asked for a photo with you.  My friends were once handed babies so the parents could take photos of a western woman holding their children.  Outside of major cities running is uncommon so you will stand out even more.  Smile and try not to mind people taking photos of you on their cellphones.  You are a spectacle.  Embrace it. 

  4. Beware of dogs.  This was a big one for me.  I was so worried about any potential human danger I completely forgot to consider the many stray dogs in India.  I was chased by 3 stray dogs in Delhi and stood very very still in the middle of the street while I waited for them to get tired of barking at me and leave me alone.  It was terrifying.  I’ve read online that some people run with sticks to fend off strays?  After my incident I had success with just walking slowly past any dogs I encountered so as to not excite them.These puppies were friendly!
  5. Always always tell someone where you’re going, and when to expect you back. This is advice I follow even when home in The States and I’m going running in the dark; it’s especially important in a foreign country. 

    I love that I ran through my trip.  I saw cotton fields and ran next to goats.  I watched the sunrise, and spent time outside exploring a beautiful and diverse country doing something I love.  My favorite way to explore is on foot and I love that running gave me a chance to see India in a different way.  If you’re thinking about running through your travels, go for it.  Just be safe and mindful of your surroundings.

Big Sur Marathon Training: Week 1 (27.1 miles)

Yay for being back in a marathon training routine!  I entered the lottery for the Big Sur Marathon during the height of training for my first marathon in NYC, not expecting to get in.  As fate would have it, I was selected and I was suddenly not going to be a one-and-done marathoner!

I’m honestly very intimidated by Big Sur’s course.  The hills (particularly Hurricane Point) are no joke and I’ve heard that the wind off the ocean is a little brutal.  However, there is no doubt in my mind that it’s going to be absolutely stunning.  My general game plan for this training cycle is to attempt to make training harder than the marathon, so lots of hills and lots of miles are in store for me.  That said, the focus for week one was easing in and building back my base.

Here’s how my week went:

Monday – 4 miles easy

4 miles around Lake Merrit watching the sunset.  One of my goals for this training cycle is to run more sunrise runs than sunset runs (didn’t pull this off this week).  During NYC training I found that evening runs were more likely to be interrupted and I’m looking to be one step ahead.  Hopefully I’ll develop a habit.


Tuesday – 6.44 miles (speed workout)

I was pretty terrified for this workout but it actually went super well!  I hit the paces I wanted to and I really pushed myself.  I’m proud!  Workout was 1.5 miles easy and 3 strides to warm up.  Then a 10 minute tempo (7:28 avg) followed by a 5 minute easy jog.  Next 4 x 200m with 2 minute rests between each interval.  1.5 mile cool down.

Wednesday – Rest day

Originally I was meant to use this rest day to go to yoga but it was pouring rain and my bike got stolen so it just didn’t happen.  I foam rolled and snuggled my fur children while I started researching new bikes.

Thursday – 3.6 miles easy

This first week of marathon training coincided with the 2018 Oscar nominations being announced.  For me this meant I spent all of the free time I had either in a movie theater or on Netflix plowing through the nominated films.  On Thursday my plan to fit my run in was to run home from the movie theater that was 3 miles from my apartment.  The neighborhoods between the movie theater and my apartment turned out to not be the safest feeling I have ever run through so it didn’t exactly make for a pleasant run.  I’m still glad I fit the miles in, but it’s not a route I’m planning to repeat any time soon.










Friday – Rest day

I took an extra rest day this week because I woke up feeling very sick and with a very sore left hip.  At the time of writing this weekly recap I’ve come to the conclusion that my hip issues are because it’s been forever since I went to yoga.  Going to be better about that in Week 2.

Saturday – 10 miles

First long run of training!  I ran a 2 mile warm up (9:08 avg) then moved into a 6 mile tempo.  The goal for these miles was to keep the pace around 8:30-8:40.  When looking at my average pace for the tempo it seems like I pulled it off (8:30 even).  But my first mile was 8:17 and the 5th was 9:00 so… not quite.  The other 4 miles were solidly between 8:25 and 8:35 so at least I executed for part of the tempo.  I finished with a 2 mile cool down at 9:36 and felt strong for most of the run (not that 5th tempo mile though – lol).

Sunday – 3 mile Run for the Galgo’s 5K

My friend and I had found a 5K that benefited Galgo rescue from Spain and knew we needed to run it.  We became friends through our Italian Greyhounds’ Instagram accounts and are both very passionate about our sighthounds.  I was very very sore from Saturday’s long run so I knew I was going to just use the race as a shake out.  It was a beautiful morning and I loved seeing the Galgos and Greyhounds participating.  Next year I’ll have to bring Squidward.


And like that week one is done!  My legs are very sore, but I’m feeling good.  I am going to go back to yoga next week and that should help.  Between that and foam rolling I’m hoping my body will respond well to the building mileage.

Week one = 27 miles